What is a Chakra? Chakras are energy centers in your body that run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. There are seven major chakras, each containing a universal life lesson that you must learn as you evolve into a higher consciousness. At one time or another, your chakras will become out of balance, polluted or partially blocked due to living life. The semi-precious stones in the chakra jewelry help to open, balance, and heal the energy flowing through the chakras making everyday life easier. Energy is power and power is essential for healing and maintaining good health. When the chakra energy centers are "in tune" we are healthy both mentally and physically. There is a positive and a negative energy. If you dwell on negative energy your chakras become unbalanced and overloaded. Illness can be the result of the depletion of one's internal energy or power. Use the power of the stones as an additional aid to standard treatment. Remember, you are responsible for creating your health. Healing is up to only you.